Friday, November 16, 2012

Foreign Exploration

Foreign Exploration

      I find myself within the exotic beauty of a foreign land. Exploring hills and valleys yet unseen by my eyes. The taste of perspirant salt upon the air. Moving southward there is dew on the coarse grass here.  I push through the damp grass to a cavern.  The musk of the cavern fills my nostrils.  I feel the moisture that covers the walls and bring my fingers to my lips and taste the sweet liquid of it's mysteries. Anxiety fills my body as I push deeper within searching for the treasure I know lies here.  I am either getting larger or the cave smaller for now I fill it completely. I force myself ever deeper, harder I push into it.  Then the walls begin to shake and contract around me.  If I am trapped here  I will die joyful, but I find myself being expelled from this dark enigma. Unable to prevent my scream of delight my body pulses with joy and I collapse with exhaustion, tears of joy stream down my exultant face.

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